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Unique Features

What other information is provided?
  • In total, over 70+ clear, close-up color photos of a wide variety of common skin conditions and irregularities
  • Essential overview of skin types and classifications
  • Coverage and explanation of skin analysis tools
  • Information on advancements regarding related effective treatment options
  • Supporting soft reference guide provides further educational text, accompanied by color photos
What types of conditions are covered in the CD-Rom and reference guide?
  • What types of conditions are covered in the CD-Rom and reference guide?


How will the “Recognition and Treatment of Minor Skin Irregularities” CD-Rom and reference guide be useful to me?
  • Serves as an invaluable support reference, aiding therapists to recognize many common skin conditions that they see on a daily basis (many therapists keep the supporting textbook readily accessible in their treatment room)
  • With the public’s demand for more sophisticated, results-oriented services growing, skin care practitioners need to continually add to their knowledge and skill base
  • By increasing their ability to identify and classify many common skin conditions, therapists can more effectively and safely offer their clients more results-oriented services while generating greater recurring value for their business operations (as therapists should only treat individual skin conditions that they can identify and know to be treatable)

Unique Features

What type of information does this textbook provide?
  • Comprehensive overview of nutrition as a science, including essential concepts, terminology, and roles played by key macronutrient groups (comprising enzymes, proteins, fats, and vitamins) and their numerous, complex sub-groups
  • Dietary and nutritional planning support information for varied skin and body conditions, as well as for pre/post- surgery counseling
  • Stress and weight management, including the impact of free radicals on health
  • Physical fitness guidelines, including related terminology and body type assessment
  • The glycemic index, food labels, cultural foods, and much more also covered - extremely extensive!


Who would benefit from reading Nutrition: The Healthy Aging Solution?
  • Anyone interested in learning more in the area of nutrition, wellness, holistic care, and healthy aging
  • Particularly useful for skin care professionals and health care practitioners, including estheticians, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, cosmetic chemists, and industry marketing managers
Why should skin care practitioners learn more about nutrition and preventative health care?
  • Better results for clients are achieved by treating the whole individual – internally and externally
  • Modern research continues to reveal new information on the effects of nutrition and lifestyle on the aging process
  • The esthetic and medical fields, working more closely together than ever before, have therefore begun to undertake a more holistic approach towards skin care as a whole
  • In order to effectively assess and address clients’ skin care needs, nutritional guidance is thus fast becoming a new and essential responsibility for the modern skin care therapist


Does the Anti-Aging Mind & Body Massage video come with accompanying music?
  • Yes, the massage video is packaged with a separate music CD, Natural Massage Therapy, by Solitudes
  • The CD has a delicate blend of music and nature sounds, with instrumentation including flutes, harps, keyboards & percussion
  • This music supports the massage session by also helping the body and brain release the effects of accumulated tension
How long is the Anti-Aging Mind & Body Massage video and in what formats is it available?
  • The video is 60 min in length
  • It can be purchased in DVD form


What massage techniques does the Anti-Aging Mind & Body Massage utilize?
  • Shiatsu
  • Thai massage
  • Meridian Therapy
  • Stress Therapy
  • Selected techniques from Pat Lam’s CIDESCO award-winning Stress Therapy massage
What makes the Anti-Aging Mind & Body Massage so unique and revolutionary?
  • Exclusive combination of celebrated massage and breathing techniques, for both mind and body
  • Full body massage, performed while the client is fully clothed, that also incorporates breathing techniques and stretching poses of yoga
  • Uniquely interactive anti-aging stress massage that creates a mini-workout sequence and revitalizing experience for both the client and the therapist
  • Clients experience revitalization of mind and body, as well as a sense of renewed energy and mental alertness (in contrast to the normal lethargic effect of massage)
What improvements will clients notice from this form of massage?
  • Induced calmness & full body relaxation
  • Renewed energy and mental alertness
  • Increased flexibility, muscle toning, and mobility
  • Relaxing movements - along trapezius muscle and back of neck, vibrations, and jacquet pinching
  • Alleviated backaches and improved posture
  • Released tension and improved blood circulation
  • Improved stress management and heightened body awareness


Why is this form of massage beneficial for a clinic or spa to offer?
  • The integration of mind and body fitness in spa services has created a need for a massage that incorporates true wellness techniques
  • Offers a new, cutting-edge therapy for mind and body wellness to help combat the stress of everyday life
  • Offers a fresh and revitalizing experience for both the client and the esthetic professional


How long is the Facial Massage for Different Skin Types video and in what formats is it available?
  • The video is 62 min in length
  • It can be purchased in DVD or videocassette form


What facial massages techniques are featured in this video?
  • Toning movements - face lifting, folding, digital kneading, single and double flipping, and tapotement
  • Heavier pressure, stimulating movements - point hacking, knuckle kneading, watterwald pinching, heel palm kneading
  • Very light pressure - effleurage, digital kneading, vibrations (static and running, pneumatic pressure)
  • Relaxing movements - along trapezius muscle and back of neck, vibrations, and jacquet pinching
What skin conditions are profiled in this video?
  • Skin types profiled include: i) Loose sagging skin ii) Thick, dull, devitalized skin iii) Sensitive, blotchy, telangiectasia skin iv) Cystic acneic skin
What can professional skin care practitioners and beauty therapists learn from this video?
  • The selection and utilization of appropriate facial massage techniques to support desired treatment results
  • How the stimulation needs and sensitivity levels of a client’s skin can vary significantly according to skin type
  • Demonstration and explanation of a wide range of facial massage techniques that support clinical treatment results and enhance the client experience


How can different facial massage techniques actually support or hinder desired treatment results?
  • As stimulation needs and sensitivity levels of clients’ skin can vary significantly by skin type, massage movements can effectively support or hinder desired treatment results
  • To support treatment results for loose and sagging skin, for example, massage movements that serve to stimulate nerve endings and tighten muscles are recommended
  • However, when alternatively dealing with a skin type such as oily skin, movements that can risk over-stimulating sebaceous activity should be avoided
Why should different facial massage techniques be utilized for different skin conditions?
  • Different skin types are characterized by differing levels of vascular and sebaceous activity
  • Thus, the stimulation needs and sensitivity levels of a client’s skin, in terms of facial massage, can vary significantly according to skin type
  • The choice of massage movements to be performed during a skin treatment should, therefore, be dependent on the client’s skin type


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